Animated short. Modeled and animated in Maya. Textured in Photoshop. Rendered in Mental Ray. Composited in Blender Compositor. Audio editing in Blender VSE.

Thanks to Ashish Dani for modeling and scene assembly guidance.

Choose 720p HD or 1080p HD for best video quality.

Compositing Breakdown

Blender Compositor Noodle including timed blur, glow and glare effects, color correction, and chromatic aberration.

Render Passes.

Input / Output Comparison.

Modeling in Detail

Set modeling and reference file assembly in Maya.

Post-Processing Prop. Modeled in Maya. Rendered in Mental Ray.

1k / 2K Diffuse and Specular textures created in Photoshop.

High-Polygon Topology.

Pillar Prop modeled in Maya. Rendered in Mental Ray.

2K Diffuse and Specular textures created in Photoshop.

High-Polygon Topology.

Pre-Processing Prop. Modeled in Maya. Rendered in Mental Ray.

1K / 2K Diffuse and Specular textures created in Photoshop.

High-Polygon Topology.